
Ordering here, although by far the best way to financially support me, is also the slowest and most expensive way to buy my paperbacks*; you can buy cheaper from standard on-line retailers.

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  • The Fire Sermon (paperback)

    The Fire Sermon (paperback)

    A straightforward guide to reality entire.

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    The Fire Sermon (paperback)

    The Fire Sermon (paperback)

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  • 33 Myths of the System (Paperback)

    33 Myths of the System (Paperback)

    A radical guide to the entire civilised system in its final, most developed form. 33 Myths of the System takes apart the fabrications of all the ideologies of the system, exposing the iniquitous fictions at the heart of socialism, capitalism, professionalism, postmodernism, scientism, economics, psychology, all forms of technocratic progress and the anti-culture that the system presents to us as meaning.

    This is the standard paperback version of the book.
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    33 Myths of the System (Paperback)

    33 Myths of the System (Paperback)

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  • Drowning is Fine (Paperback)

    Drowning is Fine (Paperback)

    Drowning is Fine, is the tragi-comic coming-of-age story of Daniel Hickman, a young man struggling to survive as a sane man in love and an artist in dystopian London; goals which turn out to be two aspects of the same apocalyptic mission—to see the world as it is, in all its sordid beauty.

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    Drowning is Fine (Paperback)

    Drowning is Fine (Paperback)

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  • Ad Radicem (paperback)

    Ad Radicem (paperback)

    A collection of interrelated essays which span the branches and get to the root of human experience. Enquiries into the nature of the system and the self, the difference between right and wrong and the ground of experience which lies under art, gender, mental illness and superstition.

    This is the standard paperback version of the book.
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    Ad Radicem (paperback)

    Ad Radicem (paperback)

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  • Apocalypedia (Paperback)

    Apocalypedia (Paperback)

    A subversive comic-philosophic dictionary, a strangely recognisable, friendly yet disturbing, delight-inducing anatomy of radical self-knowledge that ties nature and culture up with the cunning, mysterious and absurd paraphernalia of the human psyche, using a transdimensional shoe-lace.

    This is the standard paperback version.
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    Apocalypedia (Paperback)

    Apocalypedia (Paperback)

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  • Self and Unself (Paperback)

    Self and Unself (Paperback)

    A comprehensive and accessible philosophy of all and everything, presenting the source and synthesis of metaphysics, science, art, language, sex, gender, character, culture, society, history, self-knowledge, love and death. Neither optimistic nor pessimistic, neither objective nor subjective, neither theist nor atheist, Self and Unself expresses the unfathomable paradox at the root of all branches of human experience, providing the reader with a new, radical ground of understanding, solving, en route, all the actually important questions of philosophy; who I am, who you are, why we are here and what on earth is going on.

    This is the standard paperback version.
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    Self and Unself (Paperback)

    Self and Unself (Paperback)

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  • Fired (paperback)

    Fired (paperback)

    A gently anarchic oddbod loses a succession of jobs while being drawn into an epic battle between the forces of good and evil.

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    Fired (paperback)

    Fired (paperback)

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eBooks (ePub, mobi & azw3)

For reading on Kindle, Nook, iPad and similar readers. Please note you cannot checkout as a guest to buy these. I don’t know why.

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  • The Fire Sermon (Ebook)

    The Fire Sermon (Ebook)

    A straightforward guide to reality entire.

    This is the eBook version — ePub and Azw3 — for Nook, Kindle, iPad and similar devices.
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    The Fire Sermon (Ebook)

    The Fire Sermon (Ebook)

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  • 33 Myths of the System (Ebook)

    33 Myths of the System (Ebook)

    A radical guide to the entire civilised system in its final, most developed form. 33 Myths of the System takes apart the fabrications of all the ideologies and religions of the system, exposing the iniquitous fictions at the heart of socialism, capitalism, professionalism, postmodernism, economics, psychology, all forms of technocratic progress and the anti-culture that the system presents to us as meaning.

    This is the eBook version — ePub and Azw3 — for Nook, Kindle, iPad and similar devices.
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    33 Myths of the System (Ebook)

    33 Myths of the System (Ebook)

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  • Ad Radicem (Ebook)

    Ad Radicem (Ebook)

    A collection of interrelated essays which span the branches and get to the root of human experience. Enquiries into the nature of the system and the self, the difference between right and wrong and the ground of experience which lies under art, gender, mental illness and superstition.

    This is the eBook version — ePub and Azw3 — for Nook, Kindle, iPad and similar devices.
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    Ad Radicem (Ebook)

    Ad Radicem (Ebook)

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  • Drowning is Fine (eBook)

    Drowning is Fine (eBook)

    The tragi-comic coming-of-age story of Daniel Hickman, a young man struggling to survive as a sane man in love and an artist in dystopian London; goals which turn out to be two aspects of the same apocalyptic mission—to see the world as it is, in all its sordid beauty.

    This is the eBook version — ePub and azw3 — for Nook, Kindle, iPad and suchlike devices.
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    Drowning is Fine (eBook)

    Drowning is Fine (eBook)

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  • Fired (eBook)

    Fired (eBook)

    A gently anarchic oddbod loses a succession of jobs while being drawn into an epic battle between the forces of good and evil.

    This is the eBook version — ePub and azw3 — for Nook, Kindle, iPad and suchlike devices.
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    Fired (eBook)

    Fired (eBook)

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  • Self and Unself (eBook)

    Self and Unself (eBook)

    A comprehensive and accessible philosophy of all and everything, presenting the source and synthesis of metaphysics, science, art, language, sex, gender, character, culture, society, history, self-knowledge, love and death. Neither optimistic nor pessimistic, neither objective nor subjective, neither theist nor atheist, Self and Unself expresses the unfathomable paradox at the root of all branches of human experience, providing the reader with a new, radical ground of understanding, solving, en route, all the actually important questions of philosophy; who I am, who you are, why we are here and what on earth is going on.

    This is the eBook version — azw3 and ePub — for nook, kindle, iPad and similar devices.
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    Self and Unself (eBook)

    Self and Unself (eBook)

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Special Edition Hardbacks

Printed, cloth-bound, sewn at a local printers, individually numbered, signed and then thrown at your house by a local drunkard. ‘Unself’ and ‘Myths’ are sold out now. I printed 50 copies of each, but the original idea was 100, so I might do another round one day.

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  • 33 Myths of the System (Limited Edition Hardback)

    33 Myths of the System (Limited Edition Hardback)

    A radical guide to the entire civilised system in its final, most developed form. 33 Myths of the System takes apart the fabrications of all the ideologies of the system, exposing the iniquitous fictions at the heart of socialism, capitalism, professionalism, postmodernism, scientism, economics, psychology, all forms of technocratic progress and the anti-culture that the system presents to us as meaning.

    This is the premium hardback edition; numbered, sewn and case-bound.
    33 Myths of the System (Limited Edition Hardback)

    33 Myths of the System (Limited Edition Hardback)

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  • Self and Unself (Limited Edition Hardback)

    Self and Unself (Limited Edition Hardback)

    A comprehensive and accessible philosophy of all and everything, presenting the source and synthesis of metaphysics, science, art, language, sex, gender, character, culture, society, history, self-knowledge, love and death. Neither optimistic nor pessimistic, neither objective nor subjective, neither theist nor atheist, Self and Unself expresses the unfathomable paradox at the root of all branches of human experience, providing the reader with a new, radical ground of understanding, solving, en route, all the actually important questions of philosophy; who I am, who you are, why we are here and what on earth is going on.

    This is the premium hardback edition; numbered, sewn and case-bound.
    Self and Unself (Limited Edition Hardback)

    Self and Unself (Limited Edition Hardback)

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  • The Apocalypedia (Limited Edition Hardback)

    The Apocalypedia (Limited Edition Hardback)

    A subversive comic-philosophic dictionary, a strangely recognisable, friendly yet disturbing, delight-inducing anatomy of radical self-knowledge that ties nature and culture up with the cunning, mysterious and absurd paraphernalia of the human psyche, using a transdimensional shoe-lace.
    The Apocalypedia (Limited Edition Hardback)

    The Apocalypedia (Limited Edition Hardback)

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Merch, Pictures, Posters

Like all great radicals and philosophers I have a range of badges, postcards and casual-wear for sale. I’m also working on an aftershave. Actually this section is just for donations, if you would like to help feed and house me while I work.

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* shipping is particularly expensive here because, firstly, shipping costs have gone through the roof recently, secondly because the shopping plugin I use is as inflexible and erratic as the PoD service I use to send the books (sometimes sent by snail mail, sometimes UPS tracked). Sometimes it costs me more, sometimes (actually usually — hence ‘the best way to support me financially’) less. As I say, if it’s too expensive here, by all means visit an online book retailer. Just as long as you get to read the things!